“To invent sound worlds with nostalgia for the unknown”
In German there is a word to express the nostalgia of the unknown: fernweh, translatable as nostalgia for the other, desire to leave the known circumstances and open up to the world. The word fernweh is the opposite of heimweh, nostalgia in the proper sense, the desire of the homeland or of the home.
From this friction of times and places and the magic of the crossroads are born the music of the CS 07 (LAS CANCHAS).
Here there isn’t nostalgia for the past, but for the elsewhere. Experimentation, differences and becoming are built through electronics, used not as a tool but as a vehicle for infinite movement of form. Like a cloud when it turns ‘lightly’ into unceasing shapes. Star maps, existential paths, fables and planetary vision are filte- red in the living mixer of the producer Marco Erroi and returned in the form of soundscapes, sudden encounters and lightning strikes, beyond the known places.
There is a point where memory and vision meet, it is the same where the desert and the space meet, the point where sparks and vertigo are produced. Where imaginary landscapes produce sounds and visions. (Marc Tibaldi)
VINYL (out October 2018)
Title: CS 07 (LAS CANCHAS)
Format: LP, Vinyl 12"(160gr) + Download Card, Sealed
Label: Common Series Ltd
Cat. number: CS#07
Release Date: October 2018
EL DIA side
A1: Dia 1 (3:31)
A2: Dia 2 (4:53)
A3: Dia 3 (5:11)
A4: Dia 4 (4:49)
B1: Tarde 1 (6:11)
B2: Tarde 2 (4:32)
B3: Tarde 3 (6:03)
B4: Tarde 4 (2:21)
Written and produced by Marco Erroi
Sax/Horns in DIA1-4, TARDE1-2-3: Emanuele ‘Rag’ Raganato
Guitar in DIA3-4, TARDE3: Stefano ‘Algerino’ Greco
Synths in DIA3-4: Gigi Chord
Vocals in DIA3: Edmond Lila
Vocals in TARDE2: Andy Bemore
Gilles Peterson: 2018 HIGHLIGHTS (BBC Radio 6 Music)
22 Dicember 2018 >> www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0001pq4
"Marco Erroi on a very special release, it's one of the best records of the year for me." [CS05]
Gilles Peterson
CS 07 - Gilles Peterson Worldwide Show (Worldwide FM - 17/Nov/2018)
" This is something from seventies of Italy pretty much. This is Common Series the label, with brand new project Las Canchas. This is Dia 1 "
Gilles Peterson
CS 07 - La Repubblica XL (interview)
Intervista con Marco Erroi, producer nostrano di talento, a proposito del suo settimo nuovo vinile
Abbiamo fatto due chiacchiere con Marco Erroi, l’ennesimo producer nostrano di talento che viene osannato all’estero ancor prima di esser conosciuto in Italia, a proposito del suo settimo nuovo vinile a nome Common Series: CS07 (Las Chanchas). [continua a leggere]
Tobia D'Onofrio
Marco Erroi extends his Common Series remit into the land of the long player this week, wowing us with the bold and expressionistic ‘Las Canchas’. Inspired by his father’s trips to the countryside in the ’70s, Marco offers up a day side and a night side, filling the former with mind warping synth jams, gentle Balearic rollers and sax led slow jams, each infused with loose lysergic fx. Turning to the evening and we’re treated to sophisticated house, a sunset smoocher, bedsit pop and an entheogenic reprise. Packaged with the utmost love and care, complete with holiday photos and bilingual liner notes, this is something truly special.
Gabriela Helfet
CS 07 - The Slow Music Movement (Release of the day)
Weekend primed, whimsical & wobbly, tempo variable, memory jogging, dub and ethno tickled electronic music with a bit of Balearic cheese & smooth sax thrown in for good measure from Common Series.
The Slow Music Movement
CS 07 - Soundwall.it
>> www.soundwall.it/soundwall-carousel-20-il-sacro-graal-di-robert-hood-e-mark-broom
CS 07 - Piccadilly Records
>> www.soundwall.it/soundwall-carousel-20-il-sacro-graal-di-robert-hood-e-mark-broom
Arriviamo in leggero ritardo ma ci perdonerete, ne siamo certi. La settima release firmata Common Series, progetto di cui siamo sempre e più innamorati (siamo in buonissima compagnia, eh, non temete!), è l’ennesimo pezzo di bravura firmato Marco Erroi. Disco di una consistenza, di un’identità e di una bellezza rara. Come al solito: pura qualità. 9
Matteo Cavicchia
CS 07 - Piccadilly Records
Patrick says: Unstoppable, unpredictable and utterly unique, Common Series' 7th instalment takes us into the esoteric realms of outsider electronics with 8 diverse cuts at home in their own universe. Esoteric and shamanic vibrations resonate throughout, lending the skewed excursions into Balearic jazz, folklorica, bedroom pop and coastal ambience an otherworldly unity. Records like this don't come along every day...
Patrick Ryder
CS 07 - Ban Ban Ton Ton
Jazzier House comes from a slightly unexpected corner. Marco Erroi`s cut Post-Punk, esoteric Ambient, and Afro grooves, under the moniker, XXXV Gold Fingers, and on his Common Series imprint. Common Series 007 sees him show off his Jazz chops, with assistance from the sax of Emanuele Rag, the six-strings of Stefano Greco, and the keys of Gigi Chord. Divided into El Dia and La Tarde, the E.P. still has its esoteric moments – short wave, sampled dreams, poetry, and soprano singers – but electric solos dominate the record`s sides of Mogadon-ed kicks, and sunrise percussion.
Dr Rob
CS 07 - Blow Up. (Magazine - October 2018)
Christian Zingales
CS 07 - quiSalento (Magazine - December 2018)
Matteo Tangolo
CS 07 - Disk Union
サウンド・エクスペリメントな音楽を発信するイタリアの個性派レーベル〈COMMON SERIES〉より!LTD.200!!
無視できない1枚が到着です!!陶酔感のある管楽器にも聞こえるエレクトロ・ギターの泣きのサウンドが印象的なミニアルバムなのですが、流石のサウンド・エクスペリメントレーベル〈COMMON SERIES〉だけあって、やはり全曲一筋縄ではいきませんでした。。ジャズや民族的な土臭さ、逆再生サンプルカットのループや、へんてこなSFなどなど聞き所満載!!DLコード付200プレス!
Disk Union Records
CS 07 - Jet Set
実験的エレクトロ・レーベルCommon Seriesの新作!
Marco Erroi主宰、実験的なエレクトロ・アコースティック作品をリリースするドープな気鋭レーベルCommon Seriesより第7弾目となる新作が到着。全世界200枚限定の今作は、トライバルなムード漂うA1に始まりミステリアスな逆再生音源をサンプリングした意欲的な楽曲、ムーディーなジャズ・トラックをエディットしたものなど音楽ジャンルの垣根を越えた縦横無尽で自由な音楽性を存分に披露しています。
Jet Set Records
CS 07 - Technique
オリジナリティあふれるエレクトロニック・サウンド!オランダの名門Clone配給で登場してきた次世代レーベルCommon Seriesから7作目となるニュー・アルバムがリリース!エクスペリメンタルなエレクトロニック・サウンドで、エスニックな音楽やジャズ、ニューエイジ、現代音楽などを思わせるオリジナリティあふれるサウンド・ワールドを展開!A面B面で4曲のテーマで作られたコンセプチュアルなアルバム!
Technique Records
CS 07 - Soundwall.it
Amicizia a parte, nata tra l’altro da una stima musicale via via crescente, release dopo release, ciò che ci lega al progetto Common Series – e quindi al suo attore principale Marco Erroi / GoldFinger – è l’ammirazione che nutriamo per l’accuratezza e la passione con cui porta il suo credo artistico. Mai una scorciatoia musicale, mai una posizione vagamente utilitaristica per guadagnare terreno: Common Series è un viaggio coraggioso, il manifesto di un credo che va ben oltre il numero di copie vendute o quello delle date che hanno visto (e vedranno) Marco all’opera. Di fronte a tutto questo, innamorati del suo incredibile SNTLS, non potevamo non porre l’accento sulla campagna di di crowdfunding del numero sette del suo catalogo – un disco che, tra l’altro, è stato in qualche modo “presentato” proprio all’interno del suo podcast per noi e che nei suoi quaranta minuti esplora l’estetica incredibile della label.
Matteo Cavicchia