| Debut Album - CASSETTE TAPES - Courtesy of Common Series |
| Debut Album - CASSETTE TAPES - Courtesy of Common Series |
Logica Aggregazione is the debut album from Marco Erroi, produced under the name of XXXV gold fingers (Common Series Ltd).
A long playing conceptually based on investigating the human beings and is ever-evolving logic in relation with the society and the surrounding. 11 tracks which completes sound recordings, guitars, vocals, keyboards and tambourines, drawing a bright and intense sound path made of ambient, folk, experimental and concrete music. All influences that sum up approaches and behaviors of Marco Erroi, who gave us an otherworldly album to be passed through, with mind and soul. Distributed on 100 ltd. gray-sand cassettes (C50).
Artist: XXXV gold fingers aka Marco Erroi
Title: Logica Aggregazione
Label: tape tales TT003
Release Date: April 17, 2018
Format: Cassette, Digital
Genre: Ambient, Experimental
Written & produced by Marco Erroi
Cover Artwork by Alessio Sangregorio
Courtesy of Common Series
Marco Erroi: Vocals & Tambourine
Stefano 'Agerino' Greco: Guitar in 'Sintonizzazione'
Gigi Chord: Synths in 'Antenne GG2'
Cover Artwork by Alessio Sangregorio
Courtesy of Common Series
Marco Erroi: Vocals & Tambourine
Stefano 'Agerino' Greco: Guitar in 'Sintonizzazione'
Gigi Chord: Synths in 'Antenne GG2'
Album description
The third release on Italian label Tape Tales is ‘Logica Aggregazione,’ a debut album from
Marco Erroi under his XXXV Gold Fingers moniker. He is a long-standing player of the Italian
club and experimental music scene who serves up 11 tracks based around the concept of a
system, understood as a result of aggregation and logic, a mechanism that embraces all
events and that allows human beings to find balance while facing constant change.
Erroi is a varied and vital producer who makes anything from house to techno, library music to
acoustic sounds. He is co-founder and owner of Common Series -a label which only puts
out his own music - and he is also co-founder of Squat Party, which plays out in various
secret locations. He is a personality open to the influences of a wide variety of music all
absorbed during twenty years of passionate work in the field. He makes music that
mixes the organic and the synthetic, the environmental and the fantastical, using found
sound recordings, guitars, vocals, keyboards and tambourines that make for earthly
electronic music that is both cerebral and visceral.
'Logica Aggregazione' also draws on electronics, experimental, folk, IDM, concrete music
and soundtracks created for contemporary art performance. Essentially, it is a project
that summarises the artist’s long career and the life philosophy of the producer.
Starting slowly with some chords and live sounding downbeat drums of 'Pensiero Sorgente',
‘Sintonizzazione’ is then wired up with glistening pads, crisp drum hits and Balearic chords
thats are both thoughtful yet arresting. ‘Teatro Mondo’ teases with a distant acid line and
beautiful keys dangle above broken beats, ‘Universe 303’ is a heavenly piece of music with big
guitar licks and acid squelches, delicate synth lines and celestial beauty oozing from
within. ‘Antinomia’ is a zoned out sonic day dream with the sound of distant vocals
mired by pixelated chords, while ‘Trasformazione’ is another blissful mix of emotional
chords and sharp electronic sounds that sinks you into a reverie. The second half of this most
compelling album touches on sun bleached ambient on ‘Pioggia a Berat’, shimmering
and beatless electronics on ‘Antenne GG2’ and superbly pensive compositions like the
serene synths of ‘Amnesia Uno’ and darker, more ominous atmospheres of ’Totalmente
Altro’, which has treated vocals drifting between lo-fi crackle, sparse chords and folk strings.
Last of all, ‘Terab’ sounds like listening in on a distant call to prayer and is utterly soothing.
This is an otherworldly album full of evocative musical expressive and innovative ideas
that takes you on a trip both inside and outside yourself.
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - Cyclic Defrost
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - Cyclic Defrost
Italian DJ and electronic producer Marco Erroi has been releasing 12”s under his XXXV Gold Fingers alias since 2014, but to date they’ve predominantly leaned towards dancefloor-friendly house tracks. For this debut album ‘Logica Aggregazione’ (released as a download and a limited run of 100 cassette copies), he’s opted for a completely different trajectory, instead offering up eleven tracks of downtempo, introspective electronics.
While he’s aided at various points by a number of instrumental collaborators, for the most part this is Erroi’s solo show, blending lush synthetic elements and manipulated field recordings to create what often feels like a serene travelogue. ‘Sinfonizzazione’ gives a good taste of Erroi’s immersive aesthetic as rippling guitar bends echo against refracted digital effects and sweeping ambient synths, the jagged broken hiphop / IDM rhythms that lurch and stutter through the mix offering up some of the more overt beats to be found here.
There’s a focus on blurred hypnotic textural layers, the treated wordless vocal elements that waft in towards the track’s end providing a warm human counterpoint to the sheeny electronics and digitally processed background chatter. ‘Teatro Mondo’ meanwhile veers closer to skewed downbeat electronic pop as analogue bass synths burble against halting tambourine percussion and airy noodling keyboard arrangements, Erroi’s own delay-treated vocals appearing suddenly like a ghost in the mix alongside rippling melodic textures.
Elsewhere ‘Trasformazione’ sees him traversing more crisply IDM-tinged waters as fractured breakbeats flicker against digitally manipulated samples of background conversation, the elegant bell-like keyboard arrangements glimmering like neon trails. Many of this album’s most affecting moments arrive when Erroi employs his field recorded sounds to create more vivid atmospheres, such as ‘Totalmentre Altro’, which sees the background sounds of barking dogs and what sounds like a street singers merging with wordless vocal harmonies and glitchy digital textures, resulting in one of this album’s most eerily beautiful ambient explorations. A strong debut album from Erroi under his XXXV Gold Fingers alias – ‘Logica Aggregazione’ is well worth investigation.
Chris Downton
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - Dance Like Shaquille O'Neal
L’album elettronico italiano scelto questo mese è firmato da Marco Erroi con il nome d’arte di XXXV Gold Fingers. Co-fondatore di Common Series Ltd e della serie di eventi Squat Party, Erroi ha all’attivo una buona serie di releases sotto pseudonimo o a proprio nome. Il suo “Logica Aggregazione” esce su Tape Tales e mostra chiaramente l’ampio spettro di influenze del produttore. Placide reminiscenze baleariche, echi e riverberi di tradizione dub, meditative e quasi casuali melodie si susseguono ed increspano tappeti di synths che si srotolano indisturbati e benefici. I beats, quando presenti, sono rarefatti ed al servizio dei voli armonici e melodici in cui il produttore si produce. Un disco ispirato e pieno di confortante bellezza.
Tony D'Onghio
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - Ban Ban Ton Ton
MIX / Hassell's Children
Dr Rob
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - Ondarock
Proveniente dai meandri del panorama underground salentino e non solo, Marco Erroi, aka XXXV Gold Fingers, è sempre stato un attento recettore verso sperimentazioni di luoghi sintetici ambient e non solo. Con più di quindici anni di lavoro ormai alle spalle soprattutto come founder e responsabile della label Common Series, si allontana dalle sue produzioni house ricche di influenze marcatamente black music per un lavoro costruito su sfumature ben più cerebrali ed eteree.
"Logica Aggregazione", esordio sulla lunga distanza del salentino, è un album che esprime un'identificazione di un'intima visione della realtà, intesa come equilibrio basato su dei meccanismi di logiche universali. Il magma sonoro di XXXV Gold Fingers è trainato proprio da quest'aura contemplativa e riflette l'impalcatura compositiva di tutto il disco. Che l'approccio sia dilatato e meditativo lo si intuisce dalle note in progressione della traccia d'apertura "Pensiero Sorgente", così come nell'oasi cristallina di "Universe 303", dove ogni tocco è evanescente e ogni pulsazione frammentata. La composizione non avviene mai come scontro tra varie fonti sonore, ma come un insieme di linee armoniche che si intersecano in più micro-strutture, senza mai tralasciare un equilibrio di fondo capace di legare l'unità concettuale che si cela dietro l'impatto armonico.
Il disco procede dirigendosi sempre di più verso situazioni di pura astrazione melodica, rinunciando di fatto all'apporto - se pur caduco - della funzione ritmica, per un immersione verso l'ambient più totale di "Pioggia a Berat" e "Antenne GG2". La già flebile temperatura del disco prosegue sempre più asettica, alle derive sonore di "Totalmente Altro" e "Terab" in cui siamo pervasi da un sottile senso di annullamento. Pubblicato su nastro, "Logica Aggregazione" stupisce per ispirazione e grande cura emotiva di particolari e riesce nell'intento di trasportare l'ascoltatore verso le visioni sonore del compositore. Si tratta senz'altro di un lavoro scritto e composto con una sincerità e una partecipazione davvero sentita e personale. Nulla è lasciato al caso e lo stesso disco si lascia ascoltare come se fosse un vero e proprio viaggio alla scoperta di Erroi, che ci guida con i suoi archi di synth e manipolazioni elettroacustiche secondo una logica ben precisa.
Si percepisce, comunque, la lezione dei grandi maestri dell'ambient di stampo più classico, specialmente nella seconda parte del disco in cui prevalgono delle sensazioni sonore più leggere e fumose. Ma questo non intacca mai il gran lavoro fatto, e valorizza maggiormente la prima consistente parte del disco, estremamente ricca e sfacettata. Un ottimo esordio. (25/05/2018)
Alessandro Tozzi
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - Blow Up. (Magazine - Aprile 2017)
Christian Zingales
XXXV gold fingers "Logica Aggregazione" - A closer listen
XXXV Gold Fingers combines folk, ambient and electronic influences on Logica Aggregazione, hearkening back to the days of Buddha Bar (tape tales, April).
Richard Allen